The Prophet's Beautiful Character
Description: In this video Yaser Birjas gives us a beautiful and practical talk on the noble character of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and how to implement it in our lives as well.
- By Yasir Birjas
- Published on 05 Jan 2020
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Key Points of This Video
02:40The double faced nature of humansThe Prophet (PBUH) was the actual interpretation of the Quran in real lifeThe Quran mentions the Prophet and his great victory
14:22He used to nickname his wifeHe used to milk the goat for the familyHe used to show kind gestures to his wifeHe used to do his own things by himself when he had the timeHe was fair and just
22:01The incident of his grandson during the Friday sermonConnect with the children by saying Salam while they play
26:13The incident of the Jew to whom the Prophet had to pay back
33:58He would not become arrogant due to his statusHe would sleep on a straw matHe would lay down to rest in public despite being a leader
37:57He would fast often during the yearHe would pray during the night till his feet would be swollenHe would weep when he would worship
42:04The incident of the old woman who asked if she would go to paradiseThe incident of the woman who interceded for her husband
50:31How do you reply to those who say the Prophet was a prophet so I can't imitate him?How do we treat people who take advantage of others?Are there any books that expand on this topic?Despite the Prophets busy life he was able to give everyone including his wives time. How did he do that?How do we deal with our husbands who are nice to everybody except their family?What should we do with children who don't have good manners?How should we deal with those who abuse the Prophet (PBUH) in our time?
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