The States of the Soul and Cultivating Its Good
Description: In this video Mokhtar Maghraoui discusses the four types of souls and the manners to cultivate ones soul to become angelic and pure. He describes the strong relation between the soul, heart and the satanic plots.
- By Mokhtar Maghraoui
- Published on 05 Jan 2020
- Viewed: 2,734 (daily average: 1)
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Key Points of This Video
00:00Various calamities of the soul
12:23Be concerned with the physical wellbeing and the spiritual wellbeing!
14:00This science maybe known as "Islamic Psychology"First State of a Nafs: The Cattle-like SoulSecond State of a Nafs: The Predatory SoulThird State of a Nafs: The Satanic SoulFourth State of a Nafs: The Angelic Soul
32:30Actions can become a "mirage" if you don't have a pure soulActions can become like ashes faced by strong wind
39:50Satan tries to occupy the human heart as he realizes the importance of the heartSatan uses our negative desires to enter our heart!Consequence of developing the three lower states of the soul
52:00Questions & Answers
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