Tolerance and Patience
Description: In this video Abdul Nasir Jangda reminds us of how tolerance and patience turned a companion of the Prophet (PBUH) into one of the greatest callers to Allah.
- By Abdul Nasir Jangda
- Published on 05 Jan 2020
- Viewed: 3,608 (daily average: 2)
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Key Points of This Video
01:00Acceptance of IslamLow tolerance of foolsFather & Wife: Acceptance of IslamReturn of Tufail to MakkahPrayer of the Prophet (PBUH)Advice of the Prophet (PBUH) to TufailBe patient to your peopleReturn to the Prophet after 10 years"I want to stay." A homeless companion: Abu Hurairah (RA)
08:43Diamond in the roughInvite people to IslamBe kind with people
09:25Call anyone, everyone, everything
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