Editor’s Pick
Who Invented the Trinity? (part 1 of 2)
How the concept of the Trinity was introduced into the Christian doctrine.
How the concept of the Trinity was introduced into the Christian doctrine.
A person need not despair from the mercy of God in regards to the sins one may have committed in their life, for indeed God, The Most Forgiving and Merciful, is able to forgive all sins.
(Read more...) 08 Mar 2006Both classical and modern-day Judaism gives precedence to the Talmud more than the Torah and other books of the Old Testament. The article establishes the central role and authority of Talmud from standard Jewish and secular sour ...
(Read more...) 01 May 2006Attaining peace and tranquility is a process that requires certain steps. This article discusses some of the important steps in this regard.
(Read more...) 10 Jun 2019Muslims believe that Jesus was granted the Gospel as a sacred scripture to his people. One of the six of pillars of Islamic belief is to believe in the Gospel (and other Semitic bo ...
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The main message of Islam is the same basic message in all revealed religions, as they are all are from the sa ...
Converting to Islam is easy. This article explains how to convert and become a Muslim in a simple way. In ad ...
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