Política de Privacidade do IslamReligion.com

IslamReligion.com Privacy Policy

(Last updated on June 22, 2016)

At IslamReligion.com we recognize that privacy is important. This document outlines the types of personal information we receive and collect when you use IslamReligion.com, as well as some of the steps we take to safeguard information. We hope this will help you make an informed decision about sharing personal information with us.

Personal Information and Other Data We Collect:

· IslamReligion.com collects some personal information when you contact us, register, comment on an article, or otherwise voluntarily provide such information, such as: name, email address, and country. This personal information is processed on our server.

· None of the email addresses are recorded in our following services: “Recommend This Site” and “E-mail this article to a friend”.

· IslamReligion.com uses cookies and other technologies to enhance your online experience, including customizing content for you, and to learn about how you use IslamReligion.com in order to improve the quality of our services.

· IslamReligion.com server automatically records information when you visit our website or use some of our services, including the URL, IP address, browser type, Country, referrer, and the date and time of your request. Some of this information is recorded at Google.com servers for statistical purposes.

· Some of the above mentioned information as well as some personal information that you provide through our chat service (Live Help) are recorded at LivePerson.com servers, since this service is hosted on their servers.


· We may use personal information to provide the services you"ve requested, including services that display customized content.

· We may also use personal information for research and analysis to operate and improve IslamReligion.com technologies and services.

· We don’t send spam emails nor do we accept third parties to promote our site by spam.

Your Choices:

· We offer you choices when we ask for personal information, whenever reasonably possible.

· You may decline to provide personal information to us and/or refuse cookies in your browser, although some of our features or services may not function properly as a result.

· We make good faith efforts to provide you access to your personal information upon request and to let you correct such data if it is inaccurate.

· When you submit a comment on an article/video or to our guest book, you have the option to provide your email address for public. If you wish after that to conceal it from public, please email us at support@islamreligion.com

· To block your email address from receiving messages from IslamReligion.com that are initiated by “Recommend This Site” and “E-mail this article to a friend”, please submit your email at this link:

For Inquiries:

If you have a question about our privacy practices, please email us at privacy@islamreligion.com or send it by postal mail to:

IR Support

PO Box: 343

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Saudi Arabia

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