In this video Dr. Jamal Badawi discusses some of the issues related to peace with the creator. He shares insight about the etymological origin of the word peace.
Amir Muhadith -AKA Loon- is a former member of the "Puff Daddy's Bad Boy Records." The following is a statement made by Amir Muhadith about himself after his reversion to Islam, "Bad Boy days are over. Now I am what you call a Good Boy." In this video Loon explains how he came from being a member of the "Bad Boy Records" to Islam.
Death is not the end of everything; it is a mere station
of a long journey. We can look at it positively and influence our lives with
it to achieve more in this world and receive a good outcome in the Hereafter.
Main Speaker: [edited by]
In this video Dr. Jamal Badwi tackles dozens of misconceptions around the Quran in a very concise and accurate way. This video is a focused speech deconstructing the arguments of some of the orientalists against the Quran.?
An explanation of hadith no. 36 from An-Nawawi's Forty
Hadith. The hadith highlights several praiseworthy characteristics that a
believer should inculcate.
God has created the universe along with everything in it. Every creation has a purpose to it. With these two prefaces in mind, it becomes clear that God has created each and everyone of us with a purpose. In this lecture Dr. Philips discusses this topic briefly.
This video briefly explains the idea of salvation in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. It then details the idea of salvation in Islam. It also highlights the inconsistencies in the concept of salvation in Christianity and Judaism.
Abdullah Ibn Salam was amongst the Jewish rabbis who had moved to Medina in search for the Arabian prophet. After having the blessed opportunity to meet the prophet, Abdullah accepted Islam as his way of life.
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