Is belief in God the only rational
foundation for objective morality? Part 3: Response to those who deny morality
to be objective, conflate moral epistemology with moral ontology, conflate
absolute morality with objective morality and to those who maintain morality to
be relative to cultural norms.
Main Speaker: Hamza Andreas Tzortzis (
In this short presentation, Hamza Tzortzis starts this lecture by establishing key principles in order for everyone - atheist, sceptic and theist - to connect with one another. He asserts that to truly engage with each other we must all suspend or discard our emotional and intellectual baggage formed as a result of our limited perspectives and experiences.
The real salvation of mankind is through sub servitude to the All-Mighty God. One cannot be held to account for the actions of another. God has granted to all the characteristic of choice, and he will take us to account for the choices we make.
In this video Yassir Fazaga discusses the concept of Social justice in Islam. He highlights numerous injustices in society and explains how Islam presents solutions for such injustices and ills.
Yusuf Estes comes from a family of Christian activists. He and many of his family members were touched as they began to do business with a Muslim from Egypt. Watch as Yusuf Estes explains how three of his family members including himself came to Islam.
This video discusses the importance of Zakat (obligatory charity) in Islam. It also shows how many problems of the world can be solved through charity. Moreover, it highlights the fact that Islam encourages development and discourages destruction.
This is a beautifully sang nasheed by Kamal Uddin (a nasheed artist from the U.K.). In this Nasheed Kamal touches over some points that show the glory, and the oneness of God.
In this video, Yahya Ibrahim speaks about the life of Prophet Jospeh deriving lessons for humans in order to correct ourselves and come closer to the truth.
In this video Rabbi Weiss shares how Muslims used to treat the Jews when they would be persecuted in Christian lands. He also goes on to explain the real threat to Jews, Muslims and the world peace.
Existence of a Creator, Sustainer, and an all Supreme Being is a concept that is not strange to most of humanity. The very nature that a person is born upon teaches him to look to the sky when in need. In this video Ibrahim Zidan mentions various reasons that make one earnestly affirm the "Existence of God".
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