A correspondent for the Franfurter Zeitung, one of the most prestigious newspapers for Germany and Europe, becomes a Muslim and later translates the meanings of the Quran. Part 1.
Realization that there is a way to eternal bliss leads one to ask: How can one reach eternal bliss? In this lecture, Dr. Philips discusses this point briefly as well a few other related issues.
Man, bearing the burden of moral responsibility, is responsible for utilizing the earth’s resources with due consideration - resources which God has subjected to his every need.
A Catholic who rejects his faith and takes to Philosophy, and then later accepts Islam due to many unanswered questions. Part 4: More unanswered questions in Philosophy and readings into Islam.
Adhan is called out by the muezzin in mosques, sometimes from a minaret, five times a day summoning Muslims for mandatory (fard) prayers (salah). There is a second call known as iqama (set up) that summons Muslims to line up for the beginning of the prayers. The main purpose of this call is to inform people that time of prayer has come about. Amongst the benefits of this call is that reminds Muslims and informs Non-Muslims of the basic beliefs of the Islamic faith.
We are not like robots that have no choice in our
actions. Everything happens by the will of God but at the same time we have a
free will to choose our choices and this is why we are accountable for our
Main Speaker: Sheikh Abdullah Bin MuhammadAl-Tayyar (islamtoday.net) [edited byIslamReligion.com]
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