With the arrival of the Muslims in Spain, the once arid and illiterate land became the capital of European scholarship and agriculture, where people of all faiths were granted security under Muslim rule.
Main Speaker: Dean Derhak (edited by IslamReligion.com)
Over a billion people from all races,
nationalities and cultures – this part gives an introduction to who Muslims are
and their contribution to the world.
Main Speaker: islamuncovered.com [Edited by IslamReligion.com]
A once misguided boy finds his salvation through the Pentecostal Church and answers his call to ministry at the age of 20, later to become a Muslim. Part 2: “All that glitters is not gold.”
After the Battle of Uhud many examples of how to be a
better Muslim became clear. God taught the believers leadership skills and
explained His power over all things.
The supposed discord between religion and science is a relatively new belief, mainly one brought about by theories of atheists, but many scientists in the past and present see a harmony and coherence unexplained by science. Part 1: Religion and Science according to atheists.
“Things are made clear through their opposites.” Arabic proverb. Part 1: From atheism in a Hindu environment to Deism, to her marriage with a devout Christian.
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