In this video, Dr. Sabeel clarifies some of the allegations against Islam. He also explains why it is unfair to consider Islam a radical ideology. He then shares some thoughts about the holy month of Ramadan.
In this video, Tahir Wyatt shares his story of how he went from being signed to a musical record to studying at the Islamic University of Madinah. He then shares some of his goals and aspirations in life.
In this video AbdelRahman Murphy discusses some issues related to Mental health in Islam. He also discusses suffering and divine wisdom. He further deals with some Questions & Answers about forgiveness.
In this video, Kamil Ahmad discusses the historical development of atheism. He then shares important and practical advice on how one can protect himself from atheistic thoughts. He further highlights why Islam is the main focus of new aged atheists.
In this video Dr. Omar Shahin briefly explains the trust one should have in God and what it means to have this trust. He touches upon the life of the last Prophet in order to illustrate this complete trust in God.
This video shows the perfection of the creation of God. The video discusses the expansive nature of the universe, the perfection of the atmosphere, the perfect rotation of the earth, and more. It further shows that such a perfect creation must have a Creator.
In this video, Dr. Zakir Naik discusses the peaceful nature of the call of Islam. He clarifies some of the common misconceptions about Islam and discusses the role of the media in corrupting the image of Islam.
In this episode of Inspiration, the importance of social service in the Prophet Muhammad's legacy is beautifully exhibited. Mohammad Zeyara writes to his mentor Omar Suleiman about how the prophetic tradition inspired him to become a concerned member of society. The video encourages helping and serving all member of society.
In this short video, Baba Ali shares his journey to Islam highlighting the main events that led to his conversion and the peace he felt once he became a Muslim.
In this lecture Dr. Zakir Naik discusses some of clear reasons for the existence of God and authority of the Quran. He discusses some of the misunderstandings of the Atheists, Christians and others.
In this video, Ismail Bullock and Gabriel Al-Romaani discuss the prophetic way of teaching. They highlight some of the common mistakes that teachers make which can lead to detrimental effects on the beliefs of children after they grow up. They discuss the importance of treating children with kindness and mercy to instill love within their hearts.
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