God knows everything including the lies the disbelievers
tell about Prophet Muhammad. Gratitude is rewarded, and the disbelievers are
warned that their stubbornness will result in severe punishment.
In this episode of Inspiration, the peaceful legacy of Prophet Muhammad is beautifully exhibited. Mohammad Zeyara writes to his mentor Omar Suleiman about how Islam teaches us to treat others with kindness, love and compassion in all circumstances. The video encourages embracing peace and living a life of positivity.
This chapter begins describing the worldly possessions
that distract us from obedience to God and ends by telling us what the destiny
will be for those who do not take heed.
Recognition of the lordship of God, and servitude that one should adapt towards him are two of the main things that need to be inscribed in our lives. The Day of Judgment is that day wherein the level of this inscription is put to account. In this nasheed Labbyk touches over these topics and more.
Eric Mason spent a great portion of his life in the Muslim world. After over 30 years of being in Saudi Arabia, Eric decided to turn to one of the largets religions in the world, Islam. In this video Eric tells his story of how he accepted Islam.
In this video Hamza Tzortzis as discusses how the concept of mind and consciousness is a strong of evidence of the existence of God. He highlights the fact that science doesn't have any acceptable explanation for concept of consciousness.
In this video, Dr. Lawrence Brown discusses the rise of Islamophobia and lies about Islam. He explains the importance of keeping an open mind when considering Islam. He also highlights that extremists are found in all religions and are not exclusively Muslims.
Dr. Jerald Dirks, a former Christian Minister slowly began to leave Christian belief during his days in the Harvard School of Divinity. Like many others, after being introduced to the large number of contradictions found in various Christian scriptures, he slowly began to retrogress from the Christian activist seen. Dr. Dirks is now a practicing Muslim trying to spread the understanding of the Islamic faith amongst the people.
7 reasons for why we must worship God and dedicate all
acts of worship to Him alone. Part 5: Reason 5 continued and reason 6 (God is
worthy of our worship because we have been created with an innate tendency to
Main Speaker: Hamza Andreas Tzortzis (hamzatzortzis.com)
The guidelines that one requires to attain the truth can be defined in a logical manner. These guidelines are also implicated in various parts of the Divine Text; the Quran. In this episode of "The Deen Show" Nouman Ali Khan mentions the logical approach and supporting divine passages.
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