Many mistakenly believe that Islam does not tolerate the
existence of other religions present in the world. This article discusses some
of the foundations the Prophet Muhammad himself laid in dealing with people of
other faiths, with practical examples from his lifetime. Part 1: Examples of
religious tolerance for people of other faiths found in the constitution which
the Prophet laid in Medina.
An introduction to the third pillar of Islam, the compulsory
charity or zakat, the spiritual dimensions of zakat and charity, and
how Islam views money in general.
How Islam spread into sub-Saharan region of West Africa, and the great civilizations it established there, taking its inhabitants out
of paganism to the worship of One God. Part 1: Islam reaches West Africa, and a
history of the Islamic Empire of Ghana.
An introduction to the first pillar of Islam: the Muslim
Profession of Faith, or the shahada, that no-one deserves worship except
God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God, and the various meanings they
An introduction to the second pillar of Islam, the
Ritual Prayer, its spiritual dimensions, the Adhan (the ‘Call to Prayer’), and
the Friday Prayer (Jumuah).
Many mistakenly believe that Islam does not tolerate the
existence of other religions present in the world. This article discusses some
of the foundations the Prophet Muhammad himself laid in dealing with people of
other faiths, with a practical examples from his lifetime. Part 2: More
examples from the Prophet’s life which portray his tolerance of other
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