In this lecture, Dr. Zia Sheikh discusses the importance of seeking knowledge. He explains the elevated status of those who seek and attain knowledge. He also shares some advice on how one should start on his journey to knowledge
In this video Abdul Nasir Jangda reminds us of how tolerance and patience turned a companion of the Prophet (PBUH) into one of the greatest callers to Allah.
In this video Majed Mahmoud speaks about the importance of having righteous friends and why it is so important for our life in this world, in the grave and in the hereafter.
In this series Muhammad Tim Humble discusses the 6 rights of every Muslim upon his fellow Muslim. He particularly focuses on the right of returning Salams (responding to the greetings).
In this series Muhammad Tim Humble discusses the 6 rights of every Muslim upon his fellow Muslim. He particularly focuses on the last and final right: following & attending the funeral of the deceased. He also share some advice on how to deal with the family of the deceased.
In this lecture Dr. Muhammad Salah discusses the concept voluntary actions in general. He then continue his discussion of voluntary actions with a focus on both voluntary prayer and night prayer.
In this video Mufti Menk speaks about the companions of the Prophet, Abdullah ibn Umm Maktoum and Jafar ibn Abi Talib and shares some of their many virtues and qualities.
In this video Mufti Menk discusses the essential concepts of Islam very passionately. He discusses the importance of recognizes that the very foundation of Islam is Monotheism. Mufti Menk further elaborates on some of the deviations that have occurred over the years as a result of swaying from the foundation of Islam.
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