In this video, Adam Rahman discusses the legacy of the greatest man of all time, Prophet Muhammad. He explains that if someone wishes to make America or the world great again then he has to learn from the example of this man.
In this episode of Inspiration, the importance of recognizing that God is constantly watching us is beautifully exhibited. Mohammad Zeyara writes to his mentor Omar Suleiman about how he noticed the divine care of God and His protection from falling prey to drug abuse.
In this episode of Inspiration, the importance of giving for the sake of God is beautifully exhibited. Mohammad Zeyara writes to his mentor Omar Suleiman about how the legacy of Prophet Muhammad made him realize the importance of giving to others. The video encourages generosity, charity, and charitable acts.
In this video of The Deen Show, Eddie and Mauri Saalakhan discuss the importance of advocating justice in Islam. They primarily focus on the case of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui and discuss many of the injustices that she has went through during her imprisonment.
In this video Abdul Malik Mujahid discusses the double standards of the media when it comes to the portrayal of Islam. He also clarify some of the misconceptions related to extremism in Islam. He stresses on the importance of representing Islam in the media.
In this video, Dr. Qadhi discusses the ten factors which can help one gain atonement for their sins in Islam. He also highlights the fact that the greatest form of success is to be saved from the Hellfire and entered into Paradise.
In this video, Omar Suleiman, Heraa Hashmi, and Tesneem Alkiek discuss a number of different topics which highlight the importance of nurturing confidence within Muslims.
In this video, Omar Suleiman discusses whether Islam can be blamed for ISIS. He statistically proves that the idea that "all terrorist are Muslims" is far from the truth. He also draws a parallel between ISIS propaganda and their grievances.
This is a documentary detailing the inspiration life and legacy of Malcom X. It discusses the difficult beginnings in which Malcom X had started to the events which lead to his assassination.
In this episode of Inspiration, the importance of justice is beautifully exhibited. Mohammad Zeyara writes to his mentor Omar Suleiman about how the prophetic tradition inspired him to become just in his interactions with others. The video also encourages the concept of social justice.
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