The veil and its meaning in Islam and the
Judeo-Christian tradition, as well as a brief look at the Islamic stance
towards women. Part 1: The concept of veiling in Judaism, Christianity, and
Main Speaker: AbdurRahman Mahdi,, (edited by
A short trip through the comprehensive guide on good parenting as taught by God and His Prophet, briefly explored here, with reasons why Muslims follow such guidance.
The first part of a logical argument proving that the truth is absolute and not relative, through examination of morals and ethics in various times and places.
The role of water in the environment and the Islamic injunction for conservation of this vital element fundamental to the preservation and continuation of life.
Main Speaker: Dr. A. Bagader, Dr. A. El-Sabbagh, Dr. M. Al-Glayand, and Dr. M. Samarrai (edited by
The first chapter of the book “The True Religion.” The
question of how one proceeds to decipher the true religion, while all claim to
be the truth, and the use of the intellect.
The Islamic view of the role of plants and animals in the environment and conservation of this vital element is fundamental to the preservation and continuation of life (part 2).
Main Speaker: Dr. A. Bagader, Dr. A. El-Sabbagh, Dr. M. Al-Glayand, and Dr. M. Samarrai (edited by
The following series of articles mention the Major Signs that will occur shortly before the end of the world and the coming of the Day of Judgment. This part is the continuation of the coming of false Messiah, and it includes additional information about his followers and his stay on earth.
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