In this video, Jamal Diwaan discusses the core beliefs of Islam which are shared by all Muslims. He shares the six tenets of the Islamic faith, cross-examining some of them with Christianity. He also briefly explains the five formal acts of worship known as the pillars of Islam.
In this episode, Enver speaks about the tragic?event of the 09/11 and how Islam had nothing to do with it. He supports his claim but providing evidence of other engineers and architects.
In this video, Karim AbuZaid discusses why Muslims believe in Sharia and jihad. He shares the meaning of both terms. He details the different domains in which Sharia is applicable.
In this episode of Inspiration, the importance of relying upon God and remembering death is beautifully exhibited. Mohammad Zeyara writes to his mentor Omar Suleiman about how being stuck in the bathroom overnight reminded him of God. The video highlights the importance of remembering God in times of difficulty.
In this episode of Inspiration, the importance of honesty and truthfulness in the legacy of Prophet Muhammad is beautifully exhibited. Mohammad Zeyara writes to his mentor Omar Suleiman about how Islam and the prophetic legacy inspired him to be honest. The video encourages embracing truthfulness, honesty, and integrity.
In this video, Hamza shares his story of how he came to Islam. He explains all the challenges that he had to overcome in the process. He also shares how his devout Christian family members reacted upon learning about his conversion.
God is the creator of all things. He is there for everyone at every moment of the day. When you call out to Him, you will experience His existence. Watch this short video as it explains the experiential reality of the existence of God.
In this video, Waseem Razvi discusses how Islam teaches us to treat haters and bigots. He also explains why Islam is in fact the most inclusive of all religions.
In this video Nouman Ali Khan clarifies some misconceptions around the Penal Law of fornication in Islam. He also discusses the penal law for accusing someone of fornication.
In this video Sam discusses how his interactions with supernatural beings lead him to pondering Islam. He also explains why and how he accepted Islam. He also shares his feelings and experiences after accepting Islam. Sam advises the Muslim and non Muslim viewers about Islam.
In this video Dr. Hakim Quick speaks about the mysterious forbidden walled city of Hara that existed some 800 years ago and the advancements it had as a highly spiritual Muslim city.
In this video, Mohammad ElShinawy discusses Islam?s take on modernity. He compares the way Western Europe dealt with modernity during the enlightenment period and how Islam dealt with modernity from the very start.
In this video, Muslema Purmul discusses the importance of human dignity. She shares insight from the Quran and the Prophetic legacy on how we should treat the destitute, marginalized and weak.
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