In this video, Dr. Marwan discusses the Islamic viewpoint on ISIS. He highlights the fact that there are no Muslim scholars in the world who promote ISIS and that the threat of non-Muslim radical groups is far greater than that posed by Muslim radical groups.
In this video, Subboor Ahmad discusses the truthful nature of God's revelation. He also discusses the need that man has toward this revelation, and some of the proofs its authenticity.
In this iERA debate, the panelists debate the issue of whether Islam needs reformation or not. In recent days, many media and government agencies in Britain have encouraged the development of "British Islam". This debate tackles the subject head on.
In this video Umar aka L. Debois shares his story of how he came to Islam from being a musician who used to work 8 hours a day with different musical instruments.
In this video, a Mexican who was formerly kidnapped by the drug cartel in Mexico shares his story on how he went from that lifestyle to Islam. He also shares brief advice with the viewers who may be looking to find an exit route from that lifestyle in Spanish.
In this video, Mary-Ann shares her story of how she came to Islam and gives important advice to both Muslims and Non-Muslims that she has gained since she became a Muslim.
In this video Dr. Marwan discusses the doubts raised by some about the Prophet's marriage to Aisha. He shares the historical background of the marriage. He also discusses age limits for marriage in different parts of History and in modern day.
In this video, Murtaza Chaudhary discusses the divine decree and the commonly asked question, 'why me?' He highlights the fact that God has the complete view of all affairs whereas man can only perceive occurrences from one or a few perspectives.
In this video, Ricardo discusses how he came to Islam. He explains how Islam had changed his life. He then discusses some of his findings from his research about marital life.
In this video Hamza Tzortzis discusses how one can gain true happiness within life. He also shares some thoughts on how the Quran ignites feelings which are already within our nature
In this video Quadir Lateef shares his story of how he came to Islam highlighting his time of fame and popularity that led him to realize the true purpose of his life.
In this video former Def Jam recording artist Umar aka L. Debois speaks about the joy and peace the Quran brings to a human compared to music, dancing and partying.
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