In this video Farhan Abdul Aziz speaks about patience at times of trials and hardships and he covers some key aspects such what is a test and why one is tested.
In this video, Waseem Razvi discusses the prophecies in the Bible and the Hindu scriptures about Prophet Muhammad. He also shares some interesting quotations from international academic and historical figures about Prophet Muhammad.
Dr. Jerald Dirks, a former Christian Minister slowly began to leave Christian belief during his days in the Harvard School of Divinity. Like many others, after being introduced to the large number of contradictions found in various Christian scriptures, he slowly began to retrogress from the Christian activist seen. Dr. Dirks is now a practicing Muslim trying to spread the understanding of the Islamic faith amongst the people.
In this video Christopher Pavlicek, the Dawah Chairman at the Muslim Community Center in Chicago, shares his story of how he came to Islam. He also discusses the martial artist Goran Reljic and his path to Islam.
In this video Abdul Bary Yahya speaks about the Islamic civilization and the key factors on how it was built mentioning some of the inventions that Muslims brought to the modern world.
In this video Cyrus McGoldrick presents his journey to Islam and recounts his childhood in white supremacist town, experience of watching wars and challenges with Muslim community.
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