God knows everything including the lies the disbelievers
tell about Prophet Muhammad. Gratitude is rewarded, and the disbelievers are
warned that their stubbornness will result in severe punishment.
God is the only Being who deserves all our worship, and we were created to worship Him. This article addresses two often asked questions that follow: Does He need our worship and why did He create us to worship Him?
Main Speaker: Hamza Andreas Tzortzis (http://www.hamzatzortzis.com)
The obedience of the universe is contrasted with the
disobedience of the unbelievers. The connection between behaviour in this
world and life in the hereafter is described in short but in-depth detail.
A powerful chapter constructed with powerful images and
sharp comments. It is a glimpse into the life to come and a potent warning for
those who are obstinate in their refusal to accept the truth.
7 reasons for why we must worship God and dedicate all
acts of worship to Him alone. Part 1: Knowledge of God is essential to understanding
why God is worthy of our worship.
Main Speaker: Hamza Andreas Tzortzis (hamzatzortzis.com)
God explains one of the innate qualities of humankind,
the ability to choose between right and wrong. The fact that there are
consequences for all of our choices is demonstrated through the story of the
people of Thamud.
A brief description of Hindu karma, a concept that is
often embraced but misunderstood. The doctrine of reincarnation and the laws of
karma are not compatible with Islam.
A brief chapter that questions how people are able to
deny the Day of Judgement and the Hereafter, and emphasizes the importance of
faith and good deeds.
The human being is created, undergoes tests and trials
whilst making a choice to stay on the right path or leave it. Paradise is prepared
for those who make the right choice.
7 reasons for why we must worship God and dedicate all
acts of worship to Him alone. Part 3: God is worthy of worship by virtue of
His perfect names and attributes and because He has created and sustains
Main Speaker: Hamza Andreas Tzortzis (hamzatzortzis.com)
7 reasons for why we must worship God and dedicate all
acts of worship to Him alone. Part 5: Reason 5 continued and reason 6 (God is
worthy of our worship because we have been created with an innate tendency to
Main Speaker: Hamza Andreas Tzortzis (hamzatzortzis.com)
Two essential verses that explain that Prophet Muhammad
was a messenger and a human being. His life span was fixed just as the life
span of every human being is fixed before birth.
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