God, the owner of everything in the whole universe, introduces Himself to man through the flawless design of His creation. When one ponders the “trivial realities” of life on Earth, he will come to the conclusion of the existence of God.
A comparison between modern slaughtering techniques and the method mandated in Islam. Part 3: One of the reasons that most modern methods of slaughtering are not encouraged in Islam is due to the pain felt by the animal.
The article addresses the major themes of the Quran, the
topics it discusses, its style of presentation, and some points of comparison with
their own scriptures for Christian and Jewish readers.
The marriages that Prophet Muhammad contracted in the
various stages of his life. Part 2: A look into some aspects of the humble
life of the Prophet and how it relates to the reasons he contracted his
The answer to the fundamental question about the reason why God created. Part 2: The manifestation of Divine Mercy and Justice in God’s act of creating.
A Catholic who rejects his faith and takes to Philosophy, and then later accepts Islam due to many unanswered questions. Part 5: A trip to Egypt and accepting Islam.
An Islamic Critical Evaluation of the Ideas of Some Contemporary Physicists: Part three: The only conclusion to the series of causes is that there be one ultimate and external cause which led to all others.
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