American, Khadija Evans, who experimented with umpteen
Christian denominations, atheism and even Wicca tells how her post-September 11
investigations of Islam led first herself then her husband to their final
spiritual home. Part 2.
The remarkable, powerful testimony, full on insights, of a black American Christian girl whose studies of the Bible and Church history studies left her shocked at the “hypocrisy, blasphemy, and human tampering with holy scriptures”. Impressed by the respect Islam shows to women, she became a Muslim at the age of only 18.
The daughter of a southern Baptist preacher finds her way to Islam. Part 2: Her journey to Islam begins with a series of questions and encounter with two Muslim girls.
In this part of her story of conversion, Shannon tells
how she moved from the tiny country farm town she was born in to Irving, Texas,
where she endeavoured a lot to know anything about her Creator and Islam, but
merely got very little.
In this part of her story of conversion, Shannon tells
us how she converted and how she feels about those who had the opportunity to
share the knowledge of Islam with her but simply ignored it.
The search for the truth of a philosopher and writer, faced with a constant internal struggle of harmonizing belief and action. Part 5: A job in Cairo.
An analysis of the famous biblical verse “For God so
loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in
Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Part 3: More reasons to
doubt the reliability of the Bible.
In this article we will attempt to discover and explain
what a Christian healing miracle is, their place in history,
and the difference between Christianity and Islam.
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