One of the greatest of companions, Salman the Persian, once Zoroastrian (Magian) narrates his story of his search for the true religion of God. Part One: From Zoroastrianism to Christianity.
A discussion of the various passages in which Christians seek to prove the Trinitarian nature of God. Part 3: Who is Alpha and Omega, God, Jesus or both?
After the False Messiah; the annulment of the false
religions of the people of the book, the establishment of God’s nation under
Jesus, and the invasion of the Gog and Magog.
The first of a two-part article discussing the true role of Jesus. Part 1: Discusses whether Jesus called himself God, Jesus referred to as Lord and the nature of Jesus.
The importance given to attaining knowledge in Islam leads many Muslims to undertake long journeys in order to collect and confirm the sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad.
Islam gives members of other faiths the right to practice their faiths. A historical analysis of Islamic principle of ‘No compulsion in religion.’ Part 2.
Main Speaker: (Originally by Dr. Saleh al-Aayed)
Slavery is illegal in all Muslim countries. The article
outlines the humane rules of Shariah for dealing with slaves when it
existed. References are made to the primary sources of Islam: the Quran and the
instructions of Prophet Muhammad. Also, some interesting historical
observations are made.
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