Instincts, such as self-sacrifice, are scientifically unexplainable and are sufficient to “overthrow” the theory of natural selection, as Darwin stated himself. Part 1: The problem of instinct and examples from the animal kingdom.
An Islamic Critical Evaluation of the Ideas of Some Contemporary Physicists. Part two: Various hypotheses of what could stand as causes of beings or events.
Intriguing accounts of some of the past nations
mentioned in the Quran and their prophets, along with various archaeological
evidence supporting it. Part 1.
Main Speaker: AbdurRahman Mahdi,, (edited by
The relationship between inner faith and good works in Islam. Part One: The Islamic concept of “faith” and its relation to inner belief and good works.
A man’s personal quest to study the most authentic verses of the Bible, the Q verses, leads him to Islam. Part one: A problem with conventional Christianity.
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