A comparison between modern slaughtering techniques and the method mandated in Islam. Part 1: A look into the prescribed means to render an animal Islamicly acceptable to eat, and whether it may be considered as cruelty to animals.
God is Al-Aware and Al-Knowing of all things. The extent of Gods knowledge is unimaginable for minds of His creation. He knows that which has been, will be, and that which hasn't been, if it was how it would be. All praise is due the Creator of the Universe.
Adhan is called out by the muezzin in mosques, sometimes from a minaret, five times a day summoning Muslims for mandatory (fard) prayers (salah). There is a second call known as iqama (set up) that summons Muslims to line up for the beginning of the prayers. The main purpose of this call is to inform people that time of prayer has come about. Amongst the benefits of this call is that reminds Muslims and informs Non-Muslims of the basic beliefs of the Islamic faith.
The acknowledgement that Muhammad was a prophet,
the invitation made by Heraclius to his subjects, and their reaction to it. A
discussion of some legends concerning how the letter was handed down as an
Everything, every detail from the atom, the smallest unit of matter, to the galaxies harboring billions of stars, from the moon, an inseparable adjunct of the world, to the solar system, all work in a perfect harmony, running flawlessly, just like a watch; these facts and others all prove the existence of God.
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