The search for the truth of a philosopher and writer, faced with a constant internal struggle of harmonizing belief and action. Part 6: A seed bears fruit.
A comparison between modern slaughtering techniques and the method mandated in Islam. Part 4: Two more reasons that most modern methods of slaughtering are not encouraged in Islam are issues related with health and the possibility of rendering the animal impermissible to consume.
The inability of Arabs during the time of the
Prophet, the Arabs after him, and non-Arabs to meet the challenge of the Quran:
to produce anything similar to it.
The earth has been designed specially for human life, and the intricate balances found on earth and in the universe prove the existence of God, but only for those who truly reflect.
The ideal Muslim character is distinct and balanced and it embodies the teachings of the Qur’an and the Hadith. It consists of many different relationships; with his Lord, his own self, his family and the people around him.
Some principles of Sufism, the role of the “Sheikh”, The Covenant, “Dhikr” and Sufism’s stance on the interpretation of the Quran; all of which strongly contradict the teachings of Islam.
This second article provides real examples and stories that illustrate the importance of realizing that everyone in life faces obstacles within their control and obstacles beyond their control and that the obstacles beyond one’s control should be considered as destiny from God Almighty.
Main Speaker: Dr. Bilal Philips (transcribed from an audio lecture by Aboo Uthmaan)
Nouman Ali Khan is a popular figure all across America for his intensive Arabic Seminars. Nouman after coming to America found himself caught up in a culture shock. After being raised up in a Muslim household for a good portion of his life, he found himself questioning the very values that he was raised up with, eventually leading him to strongly detesting the concept of God internally before turning back to God.
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