A brief commentary of Chapter 5 of the Quran. It
discusses food, hunting, the pledges made by the Jews and Christians, the
afterlife, and the feast of Jesus.
An introduction to the most puzzling question of human history, and a discussion about the sources which can be used to find the answer. Part 1: The source for the answer.
The story of one of the most prominent
African-American revolutionary figure’s discovery of true Islam, and how it
resolves the problem of racism: Part 1: The Nation of Islam and the Hajj.
God being The Self-Sufficient is not in need of any of us. Rather, we are in need him as we are the created and he is The Creator. If this point is instilled in the mind of an individual he/she finds a unique determinationThere is more to life than just driking, partying, and intimacy.
Part two begins and finishes with some
rules about prayer, and includes a discussion about those whom God cursed, the
importance of obeying Prophet Muhammad and some verses about emigration.
Is belief in God the only rational
foundation for objective morality? Part 1: Defining ‘objective’, why morals
are objective, and the implications of adopting an atheist worldview.
Main Speaker: Hamza Andreas Tzortzis (www.hamzatzortzis.com)
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