In understanding the concept of government in Islam, one need to first understand the nature of the religion. This article explains how the fundamental beliefs of Islam play a pivotal role in the system of governance. Part 2: Is Islam and democracy compatible?
A practicing Christian throughout life and even seeking a future as a Pastor, Abdullah realizes his faith is not based upon thought and logic, and thus investogates other relgions until he finds Islam.
Karla explains how her theological dissatisfaction with
the doctrine of Jesus as God and her discovery of the rights given to women in
Islam led her to become a Muslim.
In this video Dr. Quick discusses the different phases that the Islamic history had went through in terms of governance. He further elaborated on the concept of the Islamic revival as prophesized by the Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him.
This video draws a comparison between modern embryonic findings and the Islamic textual references to embryonic development. It highlights the accuracy of the Islamic tradition in the light of modern findings.
This spoken word poem is a collection of thought provoking words which have given direction to numerous people. Many people, including celebrities, have began to rethink life after hearing these lines of poetry.
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