A winner of the 2003 Wilbur Award for best book
of the year on a religious theme, author and poet and appearing on Ted
Koppel’s “Nightline” documenting the Hajj, Michael Wolfe describes his motivations
for accepting Islam.
In this video Hamza Tzortzis discusses the miraculous nature of the Quran. He shares all different writing styles within the Arabic language and explains how the Quran transcend all known writings styles to the Arabs.
The problem of evil has troubled humankind since time immemorial.
This article gives the Islamic perspective on it in a simple and logical way. Part
1: God is more than just The-Merciful and All-Powerful.
Main Speaker: Hamza Andreas Tzortzis (hamzatzortzis.com)
In this video Dr. Yasir Qadhi discusses the Islamic view on the relationship between church and state. In addition, he shares some suggestions on how to understand the Muslim inclusive view of the church in politics within the western context.
In this video Yusha Evans discusses a question asked by every living creature, what is our purpose in life and gives a rational argument to validate the answer.
A discussion on the basic qualities of a healthy mind
and what it will enable a person to do as described in the Quran. Part 1
discusses the first four points.
The story of one of the most prominent
African-American revolutionary figure’s discovery of true Islam, and how it
resolves the problem of racism: Part 2: A new man with a new message.
The veil and its meaning in Islam and the
Judeo-Christian tradition, as well as a brief look at the Islamic stance
towards women. Part 1: The concept of veiling in Judaism, Christianity, and
Main Speaker: AbdurRahman Mahdi, www.Quran.nu, (edited by IslamReligion.com)
Islamic teaches or not mere religious rites, rather various personality traits are apparent in a Muslims everyday life. This video touches briefly on the concept of interpersonal-relations in Islam.
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