In this video, Mustafa Umar explains the reasons why one should be a Muslim. He also highlights the importance of focusing on the purpose of life instead of focusing on what one can get out of Islam.
In this video Mufti Menk answers the common question of whether the Quran was written or revealed.He brings historical and logical proofs to prove his argument.
A short trip through the comprehensive guide on good parenting as taught by God and His Prophet, briefly explored here, with reasons why Muslims follow such guidance.
In this episode of the Facets of Islam Yusuf Estes shares with us the facet of 'Mercy' in Islam and the salvation one can obtain by following the religion of Islam.
Hajj is one of the five main pillars of Islam. In this episode of "TheDeenShow" Yusuf Estes takes the viewers through a tour of Hajj on-site from Saudi Arabia!
A brief look at how Ahmadiyyah differs and contradicts the teachings of Islam. This first part mentions its origins and how it differs from Islam and how it broke up into two groups.
An introduction to the most puzzling question of human history, and a discussion about the sources which can be used to find the answer. Part 1: The source for the answer.
The story of one of the most prominent
African-American revolutionary figure’s discovery of true Islam, and how it
resolves the problem of racism: Part 1: The Nation of Islam and the Hajj.
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