The Quran is a book sent to all of mankind. As a proof for the authenticity of the Quran, God placed in it various miracles. Amongst these are the scientific miracles of the Quran. This Episode deals with some scientific indications relative to the sky.
A brief commentary of Chapter 36 of the Holy Quran. This
chapter compels us to think beyond our world life and reminds us of the
Hereafter, the power of God and the consequences of our deeds.
This chapter refers to an uncle of the Prophet who
opposed him fiercely, as did his wife. He insulted the Prophet with ‘Tabban
Lak’ (‘may you perish!’). This Meccan chapter was the response.
Growing up as a foster child, Michelle is amazed at the faith and patience of Muslims in times of adversity, eventually leading her to study and accept Islam.
A winner of the 2003 Wilbur Award for best book
of the year on a religious theme, author and poet and appearing on Ted
Koppel’s “Nightline” documenting the Hajj, Michael Wolfe describes his motivations
for accepting Islam.
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