After the Battle of Uhud many examples of how to be a
better Muslim became clear. God taught the believers leadership skills and
explained His power over all things.
Part two begins and finishes with some
rules about prayer, and includes a discussion about those whom God cursed, the
importance of obeying Prophet Muhammad and some verses about emigration.
In this lecture Mufti Menk discusses the importance of unity amongst the Muslims. He shares some common examples of how Muslims fall into disunity among one another.
In this exciting lecture, Dr. Bilal Philips discusses one of the aspects of the world of the unseen. The subject of Jinn as a point of belief in Islam has been highlighted in the Quran. Allah revealed an entire chapter in the Quran about creatures known as the Jinn.
In this video Hamza Tzortzis speaks about a recent documentary which claims that the Quran has Syriac or Aramaic Origins and he unveils the truth behind the claims.
Whether it be in Christianity or Islam, the Chappelles are known for there religious inclines for centuries. A great number of the family members have -in the recent years- accepted the fastest growing religion in North America; Islam. Amongst the family members that have converted to Islam is the World Renowned Comedian Dave Chappelle.
In this episode of "The Deen Show" Br. Nouman clears various misconceptions about the Prophet Muhammad, and also discusses the merciful nature of the prophetic message.
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