In this video Sam discusses how his interactions with supernatural beings lead him to pondering Islam. He also explains why and how he accepted Islam. He also shares his feelings and experiences after accepting Islam. Sam advises the Muslim and non Muslim viewers about Islam.
In this video, Ricardo discusses how he came to Islam. He explains how Islam had changed his life. He then discusses some of his findings from his research about marital life.
In this video, Junaid discusses his curiosity about Islam. He shares how he searched hard to find some problem with Islam but failed and had no choice but to accept Islam.
In this video Sr. Natalie shares here story of how she accepted Islam. She also shares some details on how she coped with the harsh treatment she got from her family after accepting Islam.
In this video Mizz Nina, a popular singer of Malaysia, discusses how she accepted Islam and how one of the pillars of Islam gave her the strength to become a true Muslim.
In this video Lisa Vogl-Hamid shares her journey to Islam describing the roller coaster of emotions she went through in order to finally accept Islam as her way of life.
In this video, Mary-Ann shares her story of how she came to Islam and gives important advice to both Muslims and Non-Muslims that she has gained since she became a Muslim.
In this video Terry C. Holdbrooks Jr shares his story of how he came to Islam wherein he speaks about the events that led up to his conversion including his time at Guantanamo.
This is a documentary detailing the inspiration life and legacy of Malcom X. It discusses the difficult beginnings in which Malcom X had started to the events which lead to his assassination.
This is a documentary about the life and times of Ahmed Deedat. The documentary begins from the very beginning of the life of Deedat. It details the formative events in the early part of his life. It discusses the several triumphant debates against major christian debaters with a focus on his debate with Jimmy Swaggart.
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