In this video, Mustafa Umar responds to the critics of Islam. He answers some of the most common misconceptions raised about Islam. He also focuses on some of the allegations made by the Joe Rogan against Muslims.
A series by Yusuf Estes filmed in the backdrop of scenic landscapes and historic places of Jordan. In this episode, he gives an introduction to the series.
In this video Dr. Mohammed Salah describes some of the basics of the prayer (or salah) in Islam, outlining the five prayers, the connection it creates with our creator, and some of the benefits that we find.
In this video Dr. Mohammed Salah describes some of the basics of the prayer (or salah) in Islam, outlining the five prayers, the connection it creates with our creator, and some of the benefits that we find.
In this video Dr. Mohammed Salah introduces how the Kaaba was created by Ibrahim, peace be upon him, relating evidences from the Qur'an to us. He narrates the evidence where the Hajj was made obligatory, and then outlines some of the basic duties included within the rites of Hajj.
In this video Dr. Sabeel Ahmed speaks about why Muslims fast in Ramadan, some of the spiritual and health benefits of fasting and how the earlier Prophets fasted as well.
In this video Dr. Yasir Qadhi explains the concept of the other being called Jinns, who are responsible for most paranormal activities and black magic. He explains the Islamic position on their creation and abilities, and how to seek protection from them.
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