This two-part article series discusses the rights of
non-Muslims living in Islamic countries. Part 2 defines who are the “people
under a covenant” and lists the rights of such non-Muslims.
Main Speaker: Sami al-Majid [edited by]
This series of articles provide a conceptual framework
for answering the ‘big questions’ related to our existence. Part 1 discusses
the need for searching for the truth.
A brief commentary of Chapter 7 (verses 148 to 206) of
the Holy Quran. In these final verses we discover that Prophet Muhammad was
mentioned in both the Torah and Gospel and the warnings in previous parts are
A description of the Day of Judgment’s violent
beginning, humankind’s ingratitude and failure to accept the inevitability of
the Last Day, and the reality of the final outcome.
God knows everything including the lies the disbelievers
tell about Prophet Muhammad. Gratitude is rewarded, and the disbelievers are
warned that their stubbornness will result in severe punishment.
The lessons learned in the Battle of Badr, an
acknowledgement of God as the architect of victory, and a reminder to the
believers about the importance of supporting one another.
In this video Dr. David Berlinski discusses a common misconception about evolution being a scientifically established fact. He argues that evolution has always been a mere theory and that scientists never established a consensus on this subject.
In this video Dr. David Berlinski discusses a common misconception about evolution be a scientifically established fact. He argues that evolution has always been a mere theory and that scientists never established a consensus on this subject.
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