The first part of a logical argument proving that the truth is absolute and not relative, through examination of morals and ethics in various times and places.
Detroit-based African American journalist and PR woman,
Angelene McLaren, has been a Muslim for six years. Upon conversion she took
the new name Sumayyah bint Joan. Here she records her encounter with Islam.
The ideal Muslim character is distinct and balanced and it embodies the teachings of the Qur’an and the Hadith. It consists of many different relationships; with his Lord, his own self, his family and the people around him.
God, the owner of everything in the whole universe, introduces Himself to man through the flawless design of His creation. When one ponders the “trivial realities” of life on Earth, he will come to the conclusion of the existence of God.
After being raised in a Catholic household and spending
much of his early childhood attending church, Craig rejects faith and takes to
life in the fast lane.
God is Al-Aware and Al-Knowing of all things. The extent of Gods knowledge is unimaginable for minds of His creation. He knows that which has been, will be, and that which hasn't been, if it was how it would be. All praise is due the Creator of the Universe.
The blessings of God are plentiful. We take many of these blessings for granted. In this beautiful nasheed Ahmad Bukhatir reminds us of some of God's blessings that we take for granted.
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