In this video, Dr. Lawrence Brown discusses the rise of Islamophobia and lies about Islam. He explains the importance of keeping an open mind when considering Islam. He also highlights that extremists are found in all religions and are not exclusively Muslims.
A series by Yusuf Estes filmed in the backdrop of scenic landscapes and historic places of Jordan. In this episode, he explains some of the proofs Islam offers to establish that it is a divine religion.
In this episode AbdurRaheem Green discusses the Creator, and the need to have a rational understanding of the creator, and how Islam has a view upon the idea of God that balances with man's natural instinct.
In this video AbdurRaheem Green explains the books of the Muslims, and the importance that the books of the previous prophets has to the Muslim community.
In this video, Karim AbuZaid discusses the world of the Jinn. He explains the fact that seeking help from the Jinn normally does not occur without disbelief. He further expands on some of the Muslim beliefs on the world of the Jinn.
In this video Dr. Shabir Ally discusses God in Islam and expands on some of His characteristics. He also discusses whether God in Islam is the same God in Christianity and other religions.
In this video Dr. Mamdouh speaks about the fact that one should have a vision/mission in life; and relates that to death. He always mentions some of the things that cause people to avert from the remembrance of death.
In this video Yusuf Chambers briefly explains the purpose of life from an Islamic perspective and encourages everyone to give Islam a chance to speak for itself.
Voluntary fasting is a practice found in many religions. However in Islam fasting is a prescribed obligation and is one of the five pillars of Islam. This short video briefly discusses the concept of fasting in Islam.
Remembrance of death is a factor that has positively impacted the lives of many. In this video Renaldo explains how the remembrance of death positively impacted his life.
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