This spoken word poetry discusses why Islam is misunderstood. It then recommends that one should read more about Islam in the Quran in order to assure he is learning accurate information about Islam.
In this video, Abdur Raheem Green addresses the issue of every religion claiming that it is the true one and evaluates Islam with its evidence to prove that it is the true religion.
In this video, Munir El-Kassem relates a fascinating and compelling examination of certain apocalyptic verses in the Holy Qur'an that describe five major cosmological events immediately preceding the Day of Judgment.
In this video Mufti Menk answers the common question of whether the Quran was written or revealed.He brings historical and logical proofs to prove his argument.
In this video, Imran Hussein discusses whether science is the only route to knowledge or not. He highlights the routes of knowledge used by God in the Quran.
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