The true salvation is saught by turning to the Al-Mighty God, and showing servitude to Him alone. In this lecture Dr. Brown -a former Christian and an expert on comparitive religion- explains the concept of true salvation in comparison with the atonement of Jesus.
In this episode of "The Deen Show" Dr. Jerald tackles the subject of "The Divinity of Jesus", and mentions the various viewpoints that were held by the early Christians.
In this video Dr. Zakir Naik deals with common concerns that people have before accepting Islam on a live panel question and answer session. Numerous people accept Islam in this session from multiple religious backgrounds.?
The Quran is undoubtedly of divine origin. This claim can be proven in many ways. In this episode of "The Deen Show" Dr. Mohamed discusses a few points that prove the divine-infallible nature of the Quran.
In this video Hamza Tzortzis discusses the miraculous nature of the Quran. He shares all different writing styles within the Arabic language and explains how the Quran transcend all known writings styles to the Arabs.
In this video you will learn about the major misconceptions about Islam. Imam John discusses some of the misconceptions raised by the orientalists about the history of Islam.
Unlike other religions, Islam is more than just a group of rites gathered together for certain weekly, monthly, or even annual occasions. Islam is an all encompassing way of life that guides us through every little thing that we face. This is a brief lecture related to the Islamic viewpoint on finance.
In this video Omar Suleiman shares the real cure for the hearts through some texts from the Quran and the Sunnah. He prolifically shares some stories to shed light on this subject.
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