In this video John Fontain discusses his story of how he came to Islam. He also sheds some light on what to understand from the early death of the famous movie star Paul Walker.
Unitarianism branched out of Christianity. Its early
history and influence of Islam is traced along with comparison with Baha’i
faith and Christianity.
An educational video about the slander that some tend to promote, "Islam oppresses women." Listen in as you learn about the meaning of "oppression" and rights that are presented by Islam to women.
The existence of God does not require evidence. Part 1 discusses
that belief in God is a self-evident truth and self-evident truths are cross-cultural,
innate and provide the basis for a coherent worldview.
The existence of God and His Oneness is known through
reason and revelation. Part 2 discusses three more rational arguments for the singularity
and uniqueness of God.
The existence of God and His Oneness is known through
reason and revelation. Part 3 explains that the Oneness of God and His nature
is known through revelation.
Christians view the Muslim God as distance,
unapproachable, and impersonal. The article compares the Christian Name of
God, Abba to one of the most frequently used Name of God in the Quran, Rabb,
extracting their meaning and usage.
The Quran is the greatest miracle of God and was sent to
Prophet Muhammad who is the last Prophet for all of humankind. Part 2: Nature –
another great sign of God extensively mentioned in the Quran.
We are not like robots that have no choice in our
actions. Everything happens by the will of God but at the same time we have a
free will to choose our choices and this is why we are accountable for our
Main Speaker: Sheikh Abdullah Bin MuhammadAl-Tayyar ( [edited]
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