A brief commentary of Chapter 19 of the Holy Quran. These
verses beautifully portray the birth and life of Jesus, and some of the
characteristics of great prophets such as Abraham and Moses. It also discusses
life after death, resurrection and reward.
A brief commentary of Chapter 11 (verses 61-123) of the
Holy Quran. They discuss the stories of great Prophets such as Lot, Abraham
and Moses, and the consequences of those who rejected their message.
A brief commentary of Chapter 11 (verses 1-60) of the
Holy Quran. They discuss the stories of Prophet Noah and Hud, and the
consequences of those who rejected their message.
An introduction to how Islam ensures the cohesiveness of
the institution of the family in Islam, with its first and foremost constituents,
the parents.
Four examples[1]
of fine-tuning are discussed: fine-tuning that allows life on planet earth,
carbon resonance, the strong nuclear force, and the ratio of the strong nuclear
force to electromagnetic force.
Divine creation is the most compelling
explanation for fine-tuning of the universe after looking at all other possible
explanations. 2. Science is limited by its nature and thus cannot
provide definite answers. 3. Similar reflections from ancient camel
riders to modern-day thinkers tell us that the ‘evidence’ for God is equally
accessible to everyone.
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