From amongst the beauties of Islam, is the fact that Islam is all based on proof. Islam is not just a mere belief system discrete from evidence. Rather, Islam is a combination of the two. Explore the beauties of Islam!
A series of articles compelling the reader to ponder
over the marvels of the Quran. Part 2: Why the Quran is not a product of Prophet
Muhammad and the Quran’s offer of falsification tests.
Main Speaker: Dr. Gary Miller (edited by
An examination of the concept that Jesus is the son of God from Christian sources. Part two: A look at the orginal Greek and Hebrew words translated to “son”.
A once misguided boy finds his salvation through the Pentecostal Church and answers his call to ministry at the age of 20, later to become a Muslim. Part 1.
A discussion on the basic qualities of a healthy mind
and what it will enable a person to do as described in the Quran. Part 2 discusses
the remaining 6 points.
Human imagination is limited since it is based on what
it observes and experiences, and this is why our imagination cannot fully grasp
the concept that God is timeless and eternal, without beginning or end.
Main Speaker: [edited by]
Intriguing accounts of some of the past nations mentioned in the Quran and their prophets, along with various archaeological evidence supporting it. Part 2.
Main Speaker: AbdurRahman Mahdi,, (edited by
A discussion of the various passages in which Christians
seek to prove the Trinitarian nature of God. Part 2: Is the name Immanuel a
proof that Jesus is God?
The following series of articles mention the Major Signs that will occur shortly before the end of the world and the coming of the Day of Judgment. This part includes some of the many sayings of Prophet Muhammad about the return of Jesus.
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