Yusuf Estes comes from a family of Christian activists. He and many of his family members were touched as they began to do business with a Muslim from Egypt. Watch as Yusuf Estes explains how three of his family members including himself came to Islam.
Every individual is responsible for his/her choices. Being born into a family that affiliates to a certain faith is not a reason is for one to deny the truth.
And Irish Catholic who has loved in some Muslim countries decides to research Islam due to a relationship with a Muslim woman and discusses what he finds.
In this Episode of the "Stories Of The Prophets", Yusuf Estes speaks about the different creations of God, how humans came into being, and about some of the duties of the Prophets.
25 years of reflection, evaluation of the Jewish
community and their Tradition, and in-depth studies within the Yeshivas of
Jerusalem, finally leads Oved to Islam. Part 4: Islam and the Muslim community,
the true God and entrance into the true faith.
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