A series of articles compelling the reader to ponder
over the marvels of the Quran. Part 1: The experience of a merchant marine
with the Quran, and the miracle in the mention of ‘something even smaller than
an atom’ and honey.
Main Speaker: Dr. Gary Miller (edited by www.islamhouse.com)
This Iowa student of Arabic became a Muslim in her heart when she started reading the Quran in order do to her university homework and couldn’t put it down.
Belief in the prophets of God is a central part of
Muslim faith. Part 1 will introduce all the prophets before Prophet Muhammad, may
the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, mentioned in the Muslim scripture
from Adam to Abraham and his two sons.
Baba Ali who was formerly a Wiccan, went through many faces in his life. When his father was on his deathbed, Baba Ali realized that life is short and that he has to take his search for the truth more seriously. Baba Ali is now a Muslim. Watch as he narrates his journey to Islam.
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