In this video Nouman Ali Khan speaks about the impact the Quran has on a persons life and he speaks about the miraculous nature of the Quran to relate to everyones lives and problems.
In this video Hamza Tzortzis explains why there are foreign words in the Quran and how all languages work to include foreign words and make them their own.
In this video Dr. Mohammed Salah introduces the Shahadah, or the Testimony of Faith. This is the very foundation of the Muslim, and Dr Salah introduces the importance, the significance, and the effect the Shahdah has upon the individual.
In this video, Abdur-Rahman Yusuf discusses the concept of predestination in Islam. He gives a detailed explanation of the Islamic concept of divine decree.
In this lecture Hamza Tzortzis discusses how science doesn't lead to atheism, the argument from consciousness, the argument from reason and how God is a self evident truth.
In this video Abu Nasir Jangda speaks about what is Seerah and why it is important to study and he mentions some of the benefits of knowing the Seerah.
In this video Damian shares his story of how he accepted Islam. He narrates how he became very anti-social in secondary school and until he became a Muslim and met good loving people he remained alone.
In this video Michael DeCero speaks about who Jesus was and his reality in Christianity compared to the one in Islam. He briefly goes over the famous misconceptions about popular ambiguous verses of the Bible.
In this video, Adnan Rashid discusses the incoherence of atheism. He shares insight into the history of the development of atheism in Europe. He also highlights some key differences between Christianity and Islam.
In this video Abdullah al-Andalusi expands on whether Islam is terrorism and whether the various events that are usually used to classify this are true.
In this video Dr. Jamal Badawi tackles some allegations directed against Islam. He details the manner in which the Prophet (PBUH) used to treat the non-Muslims. Dr. Badawi dedicates the second half of the lecture clearing some of the fog around the marriage life of the Prophet (PBUH).
In this video Hamza Tzortzis discusses whether Islam is a fairy tale or truth. He shares a number of points which prove the fact that Islam is the truth. Additionally, he also conducts a short comparison between the Ottoman empire and modern capitalist states.
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