What if a person cant Follow Islam a 100%? What if he enters Islam and is scared that he may fall into his pre-Islamic habits. What if and What if. Watch Yusuf Estes as he tackles these Questions in this Lecture!
The brother's curiosity in Islam increased after he was impressed by the manners of some Muslims. He was then introduced to a translation of the Holy Quran.
For a few thousand years, discussions have been going on about whether God can have a son or not? Watch Yusuf Estes as he elaborates on this subject through a rational perspective.
The Video talks generally about the contrast between the Islamic and the western criminal justice system. Dr. Bilal, then briefly sums up the Islamic Criminal Justice System.
Yusuf Estes, a former Christian preacher, explains the concept of Polygamy in Islam. He mentions concisely some reasons for polygamy being legal in Islam.
The video is a beautiful clip from one of Khalid Yasin's lectures. He objectively tackles the issue of women being oppressed in Islam, and statistically proves his argument!
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