God has given great importance in the Quran to the Issue of gender relations. Gender is the primary dividing factor between mankind. This gives extra importance to the issue. Listen as Yasir Qadhi explains the Islamic system of gender relations in brief.
The All-Mighty is the only Creator. He is the one that created all, and non had created him. With this prefix in ones mind, it is easy to comprehend that God -the All-Mighty- is not part of his creation. In this lecture, Yusuf Estes briefly touches on this Islamic belief.
Robert was raised up as an agnostic in a small town in Canada. As Robert's hedonistic life-style led him to developing a spiritual void, he started to consider religiosity as his way of life. He first adapted Christianity as a medium for filling his spiritual void, until he came to the realization that Islam is the only religion that truly fills that gap.
Islam is a topic of interest for both Muslims and non-Muslims in our times. To some, Islam is a combination of strange practices that are scarcely found in other religions. Watch Joshual as he unveils the mention of Islamic rituals in other religious texts.
Islam is based on a unique and logical belief system that God has legislated for Mankind. There are six basic tenants of faith. This video is a continuation of part 1.
Islam is based on a unique and logical belief system that God has legislated for Mankind. There are six basic tenants of faith. In this video you will learn about the two of the six tenants of Islamic faith.
Abdullah ibn Masoud was amongst the Scholars of the companions. When he realized the impermanence of this life, he left everything to be as close to the prophet as possible. Learn more about this great Noble.
Br. Abdullah is a Canadian revert to Islam, who was lead from Pagan worship to Islam through his discovery of various Scientific accords of the Quran. Watch as he shares in brief his experiences before and after Islam.
Jesus is a Prophet of God, and amongst the most beloved figures to both Muslims and Christians. If one researches the events that took places after the time of Jesus, he will find that the persona of Jesus was redeveloped. This video is an expansion by Khalid Yasin on this point.
The Quran is a book sent to all of mankind. As a proof for the authenticity of the Quran, God placed in it various miracles. Amongst these are the scientific miracles of the Quran. This Episode deals with some scientific indications relative to the sky.
Islam is a faith that is being adapted by a great number of people world-wide. Often times people accept the basic tenants of Islamic faith, but don't understand how to enter the fold of Islam. In this video you will learn the primary way to enter into the fold of Islam.
Yusuf Estes comes from a family of Christian activists. He and many of his family members were touched as they began to do business with a Muslim from Egypt. Watch as Yusuf Estes explains how three of his family members including himself came to Islam.
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