Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Many a times, we find that people convert to Islam but they just don't know where to start. This is an educational video on the rudimentary principles of the Islamic creed and the most import practical aspect.
The religion of Islam is a religion for all people and for all times. Despite the prevalent negativity in the media towards Islam, we find that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Gayle Young - a CNN correspondent-, wrote the following in a CNN article, "The second-largest religion in the world after Christianity, Islam is also the fastest-growing religion." In this video Mr. Quick discusses how Islam is beginning to spread in least expected places.
This is a beautifully sang nasheed by Kamal Uddin (a nasheed artist from the U.K.). In this Nasheed Kamal touches over some points that show the glory, and the oneness of God.
Jibreel is a former Christian of Romanian descent. He came to Canada in 1998 and had been studying the bible in-depth since he was child in Romania. After years of attending Church, he started to doubt the Christian belief system. Listen in, as he narrates his journey to Islam.
Paradise and Hell are two eternal abodes that God has created as recompense for either commendable or sinful deeds. In this video Yasir Qadi discusses the concept of paradise in Islam. The lecture is followed by a panel Q&A session.
The blessings of God are plentiful. We take many of these blessings for granted. In this beautiful nasheed Ahmad Bukhatir reminds us of some of God's blessings that we take for granted.
Baba Ali who was formerly a Wiccan, went through many faces in his life. When his father was on his deathbed, Baba Ali realized that life is short and that he has to take his search for the truth more seriously. Baba Ali is now a Muslim. Watch as he narrates his journey to Islam.
"Day of Judgment" is a concept found in various religions. As most other theoretical concepts in Islam, the concept of the day of judgment is authentically outline in the Islamic sacred texts (the Quran & the prophetic traditions). In this lecture Dr. Philips (an Islamic theologian) briefly explains the Islamic concept of the day of judgment.
God is Al-Aware and Al-Knowing of all things. The extent of Gods knowledge is unimaginable for minds of His creation. He knows that which has been, will be, and that which hasn't been, if it was how it would be. All praise is due the Creator of the Universe.
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