In this video Mokhtar Maghraoui discusses the four types of souls and the manners to cultivate ones soul to become angelic and pure. He describes the strong relation between the soul, heart and the satanic plots.
In this video Mukhtar discusses the core mission of the Messenger Muhammad (PBUH). He expands further on the Prophetic mission by discussing the concept of Khuluq (conduct) in detail.
In this video Khalid Yasin addresses those struggling to establish religiosity within their lives or those finding it hard to balance between the spiritual and material life. He focuses on young people and their indulgence with modern hedonism.
In this video Dr. Bilal Philips speaks about the importance of having Islam in our lives and in our societies. He discusses how our morality is based on Islam as our religion.
In this exciting lecture, Dr. Bilal Philips discusses one of the aspects of the world of the unseen. The subject of Jinn as a point of belief in Islam has been highlighted in the Quran. Allah revealed an entire chapter in the Quran about creatures known as the Jinn.
In this video Kamal El-Makki speaks about Jesus (PBUH) and about his return at the end times. He speaks about related signs of the Day of Judgement deriving benefits along the way.
In this video Mufti Menk discusses the essential concepts of Islam very passionately. He discusses the importance of recognizes that the very foundation of Islam is Monotheism. Mufti Menk further elaborates on some of the deviations that have occurred over the years as a result of swaying from the foundation of Islam.
In this video Mufti Menk explores the Prayer deriving from it blessings and benefits for humans. He shares different issues related to prayer and concludes by mentioning a special flower that opens when it hears the call to prayer.
In this video, Nouman Ali Khan shares the supplication of Prophet Musa for success in speaking to the Pharaoh of his time. Being a fugitive and someone wanted in Egypt, Prophet Musa should have asked for a miracle but he asked Allah for help in what he was commanded to do.
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