In this video Dr. Sabeel Ahmed responds to the boston bombing explaining that Islam strictly condemns religious extremism and the use of violence against innocent lives.
An explanation of the Islamic concept monotheism, which
entails belief in the uniqueness of God in His Lordship, right to be worshipped
and in His Names and Attributes.
In this video Sheikh Alaa Al Sayed brings forths the proof of how Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was mentioned by name in the Christian and Jewish (first 5 Books of old testament) Bible.
After the tremendous advancements and achievements made during
the third millennium in the field of genetics, we are now in a better position
to assess the chances for macroevolution of evolution theory to have occurred
during the history of the universe.
God can be recognized by pondering over His
creation. Part 2 discusses the signs in the creation of the universe and within
man himself. Whatever little the human race has accomplished is not devoid of
problems and harm. And the discovery of the Creator of creation is the most elating
God can be recognized by pondering
over His creation. Part 1 discusses the signs in the cosmos, and on the earth
and how everything is running in complete harmony. Whatever little man has
made is not devoid of problems and harm.
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