25 years of reflection, evaluation of the Jewish
community and their Tradition, and in-depth studies within the Yeshivas of
Jerusalem, finally leads Oved to Islam. Part 2: Judaism is a celebration of
culture and Jewishness, but where is God and submission to Him?
In this video Dr. Quick discusses the different phases that the Islamic history had went through in terms of governance. He further elaborated on the concept of the Islamic revival as prophesized by the Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him.
25 years of reflection, evaluation of the Jewish
community and their Tradition, and in-depth studies within the Yeshivas of
Jerusalem, finally leads Oved to Islam. Part 1: A truthful evaluation of the
“exiled” Jewish community.
In this video Yassir Fazaga discusses the concept of Social justice in Islam. He highlights numerous injustices in society and explains how Islam presents solutions for such injustices and ills.
In this video Ibrahim Zidan discusses the beauty of the Quran. He describes the connection that one should aspire to develop with the Qurah. Ibrahim Zidan also shares a comparison between the Bible and the Quran.
In this video Imam Moustafa speaks about some of the miracles of the Quran that at the time of the Prophet (PBUH) were impossible to know but have been proved by scientists.
In this video Dr. Hakim Quick unlocks the gem that is hidden in the city of Timbuktu and what importance it held in the past and in the present for the world.
In this video Dr. Hakim Quick speaks of the decline of Muslims in Spain and how they were forced to become Muslims in disguise while remaining in Spain.
In this video Dr. Hakim Quick shares the advancements of Africa and how it travelled to Europe to create one of the highly developed countries the world has ever seen.
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